Working Together to Prevent Men’s Suicide: A Forum for Service Providers


Members of Living Hope’s Higher Risk Populations Committee are pleased to host the upcoming Working Together to Prevent Men’s Suicide: A Forum for Service Providers.

In Edmonton, and across the western world men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women. As the reasons for this are complex, it is imperative that the challenges men experience underlying such risk become better understood.This forum represents one such way Edmonton Service Providers can come together to create greater awareness and understanding.

The intent of the forum is to provide an opportunity for front line practitioners in the health, human and social service sectors to better understand why men are at greater risk of suicide, and to learn what can be done to reduce this risk. Attendees will have an opportunity to select from a range of presentations concerned with understanding and addressing suicide in higher risk men, as well as sharing best and promising preventative practices. Presenters will share relevant research as well as their own experiences in working with men.

The forum will also provide an opportunity for a facilitated discussion about the critical next steps in furthering a community wide effort to reduce the rate of suicide specifically in men.

This no- cost, full day event will take place in the coming months as soon as public health restrictions due to COVID-19 have been lifted. A date and registration link will be shared as soon as possible.

The Living Hope planning committee looks forward to gathering practitioners for a day of learning, sharing and connecting as we strive together as a community to respond to the risk of suicide in men.