Virtual Media Training for Local Journalists – Reporting on Mental Health and Suicide

Author: Uyen Ta, Program Manager, Prevention and Promotion, Mental Health Commission of Canada 

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A virtual training was held on February 18th 2021 for media professionals in Edmonton. The session was hosted by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma, and it was designed by journalists for journalists, on the challenges of reporting on mental health and suicide.

Councillor McKeen shared opening comments reflective of his years as a Journalist and as City Councillor concerned with mental health and suicide. The two hour long session was presented by Esther Enkin, Vice-President, Canadian Forum on Violence and Trauma. It covered the following topics: ethical framework, overview of the Mindset reporting recommendations, challenges in suicide reporting and best practices for placing stories in proper perspective. The training also featured two case studies which made the session very interactive and allowed participants to share their perspectives and discuss the issues reporters face when covering suicide and mental health issues.

For those who were interested but unable to attend the training, please email for a link to a recording.

This virtual training is based on the Forum’s work on Mindset, a guide on mental health reporting which "celebrates journalism that challenges wrong and outdated assumptions about mental illness and suicide prevention, provides factual information, and probes unfairness and systemic flaws". To learn more about Mindset, please visit: