Edmonton Suicide Trends Report: Exploring Suicide-Related Injury Rates in Edmonton


Author: Dr. David Long, Kings University

Living Hope has contributed in a significant number of positive ways to the prevention of suicide in Edmonton, and suicide data has played a vital role in that  work. Access to statistical data that is valid, reliable and current enables us to better understand who is at risk of suicide, the risk factors associated with suicide and which strategies and initiatives will provide the most effective means of preventative support. 

One important source of data is the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Injury Surveillance Dashboard, which provides an array of current, injury-related data from communities throughout the province. Suicide-related injury data available from the AHS Injury Surveillance Dashboard include visits to emergency department/urgent care centres, hospitalizations and mortality ratesFor the past year, staff with both AHS Provincial Injury Prevention and the Centre for Suicide Prevention have worked closely with other members of Living Hope’s Research and Surveillance Committee to organize and present this data in a meaningful way, providing insight into recent suicide trends in Edmonton. This work has culminated in the publication of the Edmonton Suicide Trends Report, a document that provides in-depth information about local suicide-related injury rates in Edmonton from 2010 to 2019. The data is presented by Local Geographic Area, which separates Edmonton into 15 distinct regions.  

Our hope is that researchers and the many suicide-prevention stakeholders in Edmonton and beyond will find the information contained in this document to be useful in their efforts to better understand and address suicide at a local level. A downloadable version of the Edmonton Suicide Trends Report is available at https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/healthinfo/ip/hi-ip-pipp-edmonton-suicide-report.pdf .

Please contact either Lahn Jones lahn.jones@edmonton.ca or Dr. David Long david.long@kingsu.ca if you have any questions about Edmonton Suicide Trends or if you are interested in finding out more about the work of the Research and Surveillance Committee.

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