Red Road Summer Message

Author: Joanne Lethbridge Pompana

OUR DREAMS ARE GATHERED and held sacred by those who believe in us …When I left those lonely roads and took the one that led in a long, curving line of years to here, to a home in the mountains where I write. I am surrounded by those who believe in me and my dreams are their dreams. That’s where the magic is, all of us together, sweeping the spotlight that shines on our dreams into the humble dustpan of our hearts and holding them sacred for each other.
— Richard Wagamese, What Comes From Spirit

Where can we gather our dreams and have them held sacred by those around us? This requires a paradigm shift in the  urban environment; where one, at times, can feel corralled by the colonial world of thinking. Particularly, if our dreams  have subsided into nightmares; and our bodies have become addicted to paralyzing substances. Where do we turn? The  above quote of Richard Wagamese speaks to me of real fellowship…of like-minded people focused in the same  direction…without being ‘cultish or obtuse’…found within the world around them.

Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to whisk one out of the various dilemmas that can occur in the urban  environment; however, there are services and events about the city (and province); that can provide direction, guidance  knowledge and wisdom, to those who are willing to take those next steps; and walk on that good red road of recovery. This is a journey of determination, self care, renewal, dedication, compassion, humility; and most importantly BELIEF. Belief in a power greater than ourselves; Mother Earth, Father Sky, the Great Mystery, Jesus, Joseph and Mary,  Buddha…Creator…whatever, within reason…

At the RED ROAD INDIGENOUS WEST, PTE OYATE FRN, or more commonly known as THE RED ROAD HEALING SOCIETY,  there are a number of services and events throughout the year, to target the various age groups and genders, in order to  build a ‘sense of belonging’ in their lives; that they may have never experienced before; due to the adverse affects of  generational trauma. The key aspect in all these resources, at this particular FRN, is the concept of ‘mitakuye oyasin’  (touched upon in an earlier article), that quite literally means ‘we are all related’. The Elders, staff, helpers, and board  members at RED ROAD, not only have the ‘lived experience of their own generational trauma’; they are also ceremonial,  academic, and 12 step people; celebrating on-going recovery and renewal on a daily basis. Hence; this is a HUB where  people can experience that real fellowship.

Of particular note, on June 19, 2022, from Noon to 7 pm, in the theatre at THE ORANGE HUB (TOH) (where the RED  ROAD offices reside), there is an Indigenous LGBQT2s+ event taking place; where famous actors, songsters, motivational  speakers, professional sports players and comedians will present an afternoon of fun-filled entertainment. Join us to  support the LGBQT2s+ community and reduce hate crime.

Finally, on September 25, 2022, we begin our second annual Transformative Reconciliation Gathering at the River Cree Resort in Enoch, Alberta. The first day is dedicated to our Indigenous youth; with a gathering of nations opening parade  and ceremonial horseback ride, followed by Indigenous ways of knowing motivational speakers with activities; together  with a special contribution by Living Hope. Please follow on facebook and our website as we get closer to the date of  the event.