Buddy Up and offer your support to someone who may be struggling

Author: Centre for Suicide Prevention

Buddy Up is a suicide prevention campaign by Centre for Suicide Prevention that was created for men by men, encouraging them to have authentic conversations with their buddies and to support them if they’re struggling with thoughts of suicide.

June 2021 was Buddy Up campaign month, an opportunity for campaign Champions (individual people and organizations) to highlight suicide prevention through the Buddy Up campaign. Champions shared social posts, educated staff and friends, and had authentic conversations. The Buddy Up Challenge was one component of the campaign which gave Champion ideas of how to participate. Buddy Up swag, like air fresheners, posters, stickers, and information on suicide prevention were provided free of charge to all Champions. 

A central component of the campaign is our buddies and their stories – illustrated personas portraying guys who may be thinking about suicide. In June, we released Marcos, a new dad who is working from home and taking care of a new baby. In September, we released Luis, a star athlete on his university team who has been showing up late to practice and is struggling with his grades. 

In November, we released Clay, an agricultural producer whose farm isn’t doing well this year. He hasn’t been able to finish his daily jobs, and he’s not going to the coffee shop or texting friends anymore. 

The Buddy Up personas invite people to expand their view of who may be thinking about suicide. Struggling looks different for everyone. Any significant change in behaviour can be an invitation to ask someone how they’re really doing, and if they’re thinking about suicide. 

Clay was developed with input from The Do More Agriculture FoundationAlberta Beef Producers, and Canadian Mental Health Association Alberta’s Rural Mental Health Project

Our next Buddy Up campaign month is June 2022, but the campaign can be used all year round to promote suicide prevention. Contact Akash Asif at akash@suicideinfo.ca if you’d like to become a Champion or visit www.buddyup.ca for more information.